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What is EDee Express Delivery?

Our EDee Express Delivery functionality is another way in which EshopWedrop is bringing a better service to our customers! We are happy to announce that we can now offer express delivery to customers in Estonia!

EDee express will allow for three business day deliveries from select origin countries with an approved carrier. We are continually developing this service to include expedited operations in more origin countries and additional couriers operating next day deliveries. As we expand the service, you will notice more additions to the EDee express settings in your account.

Like the general EDee functionality, EDee Express is not mandatory, it is an optional addition and can be activated in your personal EshopWedrop account, for free!

If you decide to activate our EDee Express functionality, all you will need to do is click the applicable switch for the relevant origin country in the EDee settings banner that can be found in the My Parcels section of your account.

(It is important to note that the EDee express service is currently only available for door deliveries that use a Cash on Delivery (COD) payment)

After selecting the relevant EDee express setting, you will be asked to confirm your selection. Please ensure that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions before activating EDee Express. A confirmation email will be delivered to you following confirmation and activation of the service.
Should you wish to edit any of your details, customers are able to make necessary changes in My Parcels -> Arrived Parcels under order details in EDee settings.

When your parcel has arrived in our Origin Warehouse your order will now be seen in the Incoming Parcels tab of your account. At this stage, it is important to note, deactivation of EDee Express is no longer possible as the delivery order has already been created and processed in our system. Once the parcel has been delivered to your home you can deactivate EDee for future orders.


Can I use EDee Express and EDee General at the same time?

Our system does allow for both EDee functionalities to operate in conjunction with one other. EDee gives you the chance to pre-select the delivery options you wish your orders to use, only ONCE and from then on, each time that you use EshopWedrop to deliver your parcels, EDee will take care of the entire process for you, using the preferences you have set!

When EDee General Delivery is activated alongside with EDee Express delivery, settings which are not available to select for EDee Express, are used from Edee General settings. Only delivery and payment methods are taken from EDee Express delivery settings.

To learn more about the EDee functionality, make sure to read our guide on using the service.

Please note: Under certain circumstances, the parcel might not be accepted by the system as EDee express and will proceed as a normal parcel delivery. Please contact our Support Team if you received such as notification.


Have more questions? Give us a call and member of the team will be happy to assist you

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